Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (2024)

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (1)


Rating: 5 stars


Delicious and impressive! Have made pie several times, will continue to do so. If using deep dish pie crust you will need to increase cooking time to 45 min (maybe 50 minutes depending on stove (electric or gas). If using shallower pie crust 30 to 35 minutes is all that is needed. Depending on size and depth of your pie crust will dictate cooking time. Caramel filling, do not let it get to dark amber color as noted in recipe, it will be "burnt" at this point giving the bitter not pleasant caramel taste. When removing pan from heat to stir in butter and cream it's still cooking so taking pan off heat when a light caramel color has been successful. I reduce lemon juice to 1/2 tsp.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (2)

MaryAnn Williams

Rating: 5 stars


I make this every year for Thanksgiving. It's absolutely gorgeous and my whole family loves it. This pie is very rich so we definitely eat it in small slices.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (3)


Rating: 5 stars


This is the most decadent pie on the face of the Earth! It's got chocolate, caramel, pecans and salt. Need I say more. It's that perfect salty and sweet dessert! Yum!!! The Maryland State Fair thought so as well. I was given a blue ribbon with a best in show award.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (4)


Rating: 5 stars


This pie is brilliant however the recipe really should state "refrigerate" as the final step. I too had a runny pie after following the recipe perfectly then leaving it covered on the counter overnight for Thanksgiving the next day. Horrified by the sludge oozing into the pan after the first slice was removed, I quickly put it in the fridge for 4-5 hours and goodness me, the pie transformed from a possible wasted effort to a straight masterpiece! I'm probably bias, but I thought I had the best dessert that was brought to my family's thanksgiving and I am up against some tough competition. This pie is fantastic and will be loved by anyone that loves chocolate and salted caramel. Just refrigerate it as the last step to get it to set for at least 3-4 hours, then remove from fridge 30 mins before serving to take off the chill, and you'll be considered a chocolate culinary master!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


And the Crowd Went Wild! Wanted something a little different than my usual Thanksgiving pecan pie, and this was simply amazing. Not too difficult to prepare, and in my group of chocolate lovers it was a big hit! Thanks so much for a wonderful recipe...I'm about to make it again for my boss' birthday.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (6)


Rating: 5 stars


This pie will be a permanent addition to our Thanksgiving and Christmas menus. Because of the richness of this pie, you only need a small slice, but this makes the pie go farther which works great for our 25-30 people holiday meals.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


Ive made this the last 2 Thanksgivings, its a hit each year. We are traditional in the sense we usually have Kentucky Bourbon Pecan Pie but I think this will be added to the mix permanently. The recipe is straightforward , easy to follow and is for the beginner to expert baker. For those who mention soupy or runny pies, baking is a exact measurement thing as well as knowing your oven. If your oven is off a degree or two then your pie isnt reaching temperature. Its always best to check your oven with a thermometer if you are not sure. Great great recipe. Serve with fresh whip cream or vanilla ice cream something as it is rich.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (8)


Rating: 1 stars


I was so excited about this pie. It was the only reason I even bought that issue of Southern Living. I followed the recipe exactly (like many other reviewers) and left it in the oven for the specified amount of time and it was like soup when I took it out. I've put it back in the oven, over an hour in total and it's still not setting. So. annoyed.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (9)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this on New Year's eve is death by chocolate pecan - Yummo! Instructions were easy to follow altho I did find it took twice as long for caramel to turn golden color (perhaps because I used non-stick pot). I allowed pie to cool per recipe on rack in patio (live in south Florida & temp was about 70 outside). The pie was very runny when we sliced. It really needs to be refrigerated to totally cool and set-up perfectly (does not need extra bake time as others suggested - put it in fridge for couple of hours and it'll be fine). As others also commented I did not use full amount of caramel as it would have run over the sides. The recipe says to place pecans starting from middle working outward but the video shows starting outer rim working in and I will do it that way next time. My husband showed pic at office his coworkers are asking for me to make one for them!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (10)


Rating: 4 stars


Made it for my family at Christmas. It was a huge favorite among the "chocolate lovers"!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (11)


Rating: 3 stars


I made this pie exactly as printed. I cannot give it a great review because the lemon made the praline sauce taste burned, even though I know it wasn't. (I make pralines from scratch and other candies so I know how to make a praline sauce without burning it.). Am I the only one who's sauce tasted this way?

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


This pie was so sweet and decadent. It was exactly what I was expecting. It wasn't very hard to make either. The salty caramel balanced perfectly with the sweet chocolate filling and everything about it was delicious- if you like things very sweet.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (13)


I made this pie for Thanksgiving and followed several readers' advice about lowering the amount of salt and lemon juice in the caramel and only using half the amount of caramel the recipe calls for. I burned the caramel the first time but the second caramel batch was divine. Also, I cooked for the pie a bit longer as well. The presentation was exceptional but the pie was a little runny once we cut into it. If you look closely at the cover photo you will see the liquid just beginning to run so I was very pleased with the results. I will definitely take another whack at this delicious pie in the near future.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (14)


Rating: 5 stars


I have made this pie twice since Thanksgiving, and it is wonderful!! The key to it is give it plenty of time to set up. I made the filling exactly as the recipe stated. I added an additional 5 minutes to the baking time, but any longer would have made the filling overdone. Don't forget to check on the pie crust!! The filling is very similar to a chocolate chess pie that I've made for years. After reading the reviews prior to making it the first time, I decided to omit the lemon juice in the caramel topping. I didn't want to risk it being too bitter. It was fine without it. The topping took a little longer than 8 minutes. The color changes rapidly once that process begins, and I went with a lighter caramel for the second pie that was great! I followed every other part of the recipe as written. I would allow at least 5 hours for this pie to set before serving. My husband LOVES it, and it received many rave reviews at two holiday gatherings.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (15)


Rating: 5 stars


This is the best pie I have ever made. A couple of things that I think helped - I use vegetarian pie crusts, and couldn't find a deep dish crust. So I used one vegetarian regular size, and one mini pie crust (both from Whole Foods). Using a convection oven, I cooked both at the same time for 43 minutes, so a few minutes longer. Followed all other directions exactly. Both pies came out PERFECT, in both presentation and taste. Rave reviews from all. I can't wait to make this again.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (16)


Rating: 5 stars


Wow, I made this for Thanksgiving and everyone wanted the recipe. I love chocolate and pecans and this is a great mix without having to bake both kinds of pie. Just be careful, one slice or you're waistline is sure to increase!! By the way, the kids LOVED it too!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this for Thanksgiving, and it was wonderful. I made the pie the night before exactly as written, except I did bake it for an extra 5 minutes ( I have a gas oven that sometimes I need to bake things a little longer in). I let the pie sit over night, and made the caramel sauce the next morning. I am glad I let it completely cool before putting the pecans and caramel on it. I think it helped it set better. The pie was so good- the chocolate part was fudgy and moist like brownies and the topping was just the right amount of sweetness. And the leftovers tasted even better the next day.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (18)


Rating: 5 stars


I have been making a version of this pie for several years but this one with the caramel was a big hit. I also changed it a little bit and added a few shots of good bourbon to the mix. Absolutely delicious. I made it a day in advance and waited to add the caramel sauce until the day I served it. Everyone gobbled it up.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (19)


Rating: 5 stars


I brought this pie to Thanksgiving dinner. It was a very big hit! It was easy to make. The only thing I did differently from the recipe is that I cooked the pie for an extra 5 minutes because I thought it was a bit too liquid after 35 minutes to set up properly. It came out perfectly. I think it is best to check it after 35 minutes and then determine if more time is required. It is very rich so a little goes a long way. I will definitely make this again.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (20)


Rating: 5 stars


Followed the recipe exactly and it turned out beautifully. I did bake a day before and chill it. I think this is key. Would not cut it straight out of the oven. Used a high quality commercial caramel sauce. OMG!!!!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (21)


Rating: 1 stars


I wasn't expecting the chocolate part to be so cake like. It was dry. I didn't add the amount of salt called for on the top or it would not have been edible. I'll stick to regular pecan pie the next time.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (22)


Rating: 5 stars


My sister and I made this for Thanksgiving! It was a great bonding experience over an easy to make fall pie. Check out my pictures:

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (23)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this pie for Thanksgiving and it was so good! Everyone loved it and went on and on about how pretty it was. I personally don't like nuts, but everyone in my family does, so I left the chopped pecans out of the chocolate filling and just kept them on top. (So I could scrape them off and everyone else could enjoy them.) Before I made the pie, I read the comments and saw that the baking time was an issue. I baked mine for 45 minutes instead of 35 and it was perfect. An hour would have been too much. I think it just depends on your oven. Anyway, I will definitely make this again.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (24)


Rating: 5 stars


I made the recipe according to the directions. The only thing I didn't do was toast the pecans. I made the chocolate filling a day ahead and refrigerated it. My pie looked exactly like the magazine cover. Everyone raved about it. I found that there was too much caramel as some other reviewers noted, but it is easy to use with a brownie mix, etc. For those complaining that the caramel was not sweet, my entire family thought that it was an excellent balance for the sweetness of the chocolate filling. If I was making the caramel for something else, I might cut back on the lemon juice. I thought it tasted fine the way it was. My son even ate a few spoonfuls of the excess plain and raved about it.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (25)


Rating: 5 stars


A friend made this for a party, out of this world good! It was chocolatey, nutty heaven! I'm planning it for my next party.

Rating: 4 stars


This pie was fairly simple to make and received lots of oohs and ahs at my Thanksgiving table. The one thing I goofed on was that I had actually used peppermint extract instead of the vanilla extract in the body of the pie. No matter -- it was still delicious and looked terrific! (-;

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (27)


Rating: 4 stars


I like this pie. It was a lovely presentation, and delicious, too! I cooked it a bit longer than 35 minutes, but really only about 38 and it came out perfectly. I let it cool completely before I did anything else to it. I would say to be careful when cooking the caramel sauce. I am not an experienced caramel maker, but I would say that if you cook it until it is "a dark amber color", you've cooked it too long. It will most definitely be bitter then. Next time, I would cook it till it is, get this, a "dark caramel color". Also, I only put 1 tsp. of lemon juice in it. And it is A LOT of caramel--only drizzle maybe a third of it on top as it is a sweet, rich pie. Other than those changes, it is really delicious and pretty pie!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (28)


Rating: 1 stars


This pie was a huge disappointment. I made it for a dinner party and thank goodness I decided to cut it before taking it to the party. It was a big, sloppy mess. It should be cooked for over an hour...not the 35 minutes as stated in the recipe. The caramel sauce was very bitter. the only thing I did like was the idea for the pecan presentation. I may use this idea again but will not waste $20.00 again making this pie!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (29)


Rating: 5 stars


My daughter made this for Thanksgiving dinner. It was beautiful and delicious!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (30)


Rating: 5 stars


Outstanding! Followed directions except: -reduced sugar to just 1 cup in chocolate layer-perfect -from boiling point it was 9 minutes to dark amber-and the SUBTLE change in smell (toward burn) --a great indicator caramel is done--and it was divine! NEXT TIME I will arrange pecans when chocolate layer is still warm so it's easier to push them in a bit. I was amazed at how beautifully it sliced. Served with vanilla ice cream, a very nice foil, will try a bourbon whipped cream next time too. One of the least labor- intensive pies I've made, will make often. ****i made this the day before Thanksgiving, the last tiny slice was excellent even 3 days later****

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (31)


Rating: 4 stars


This pie was delicious. The changes I made: I did bake the pie longer after I drizzled the caramel on because it just did not look done enough. I baked at least 20-30 minutes longer. I put it in the fridge overnight and served room temperature. Next time I will: 1) Bake the pie longer. 2) Use vanilla in the caramel sauce not lemon. 3) Cook the caramel slightly longer. 4) Use less (or no) salt in the sauce. I think the dusting on the top is plenty. Also, trying to arrange the pecans in a spiral was futile. It looked beautiful nonetheless and was wonderful. But so rich, easily serves 10-12 because you'll want small pieces.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (32)


Rating: 4 stars


This was a great Thanksgiving dessert! Beautiful presentation and extremely tasty! Why only 4 stars? The directions for the caramel topping were off: bringing the sugar, lemon juice and water to a boil right away caused it to turn bitter, even under my watchful eye and swirling! I had to toss the first batch. I found better directions elsewhere and brought the mixture to boil slowly, raising the temperature in increments. That worked! I did not end up using all of the caramel sauce; just enough to wet all the pecans on top. We all loved the mix of sweet (but not too sweet due to the dark cocoa) and salty, and the lemon in the caramel sauce was a perfect complement to the other flavors. The baking time of 35 minutes was spot on (I preheated the oven for a good 20 mins.). Will definitely be making this again!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (33)


Rating: 1 stars


I trust Southern Living recipes completely and use them often. This one, unfortunately, was a huge disappointment to our holiday meal and a tad pricey. I completely acknowledge that I could have made a mistake, but am a chemist and avid cook, so needless to say very detailed when it comes to recipes. The pie did not set in the time indicated. I actually calibrate my oven, so I know that it is reliable as far as temperature. I caution anyone who attempts this recipe to increase the bake time to at least an hour.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (34)


Rating: 2 stars


Made this pie for Thanksgiving and followed the directions exactly, except that I made my own pie crust. While very tasty, it ended up being pretty sloppy. A couple things I would do differently: 1) I will pre-bake the pie crust next time because my crust was barely cooked after 40 minutes of baking 2) I will add another 1/2 cup of chopped pecans into the chocolate mix. 3) I will cut the sugar in the filling to 1 cup from 1.5 cups I loved the lemony salted caramel. Not bitter at all (maybe other reviewers burnt the caramel?).

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (35)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this pie yesterday for Thanksgiving and it turned out wonderful!! I followed the directions exactly as written and it was delicious! My oven had been on all morning so I don't know if that made a difference, but 35 minutes was perfect! My kiddo even got in on making this because he got to put on the pecans while I made the caramel sauce -which we thought was great! This was a very sweet tasting pie, but I kinda expected it to be with chocolate and caramel being involved :) but the pecans on top kinda counter it and makes this pecan pie so delicious! Will make this pie again for sure!!

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (36)


Rating: 2 stars


The chocolate pie filling was delicious and fantastic! I cooked mine per the directions (35 minutes) and it firmed up as it cooled. The caramel, however, was terrible. I made the pie for Thanksgiving and the caramel sauce was a huge disappointment. In fact, I remade it three times -- the first time as per the recipe, the second time without the lemon juice and the third time with slightly less lemon juice -- because I could not understand how Southern Living could publish a recipe with such a bitter caramel sauce...and on the cover, too. The caramel sauce completely ruins the pie. I would make it again, but I would use a different salted caramel sauce on top. It's a shame that it is written as it is because it is *not* a cheap pie to make! All that said, the pecan arrangement makes a beautiful presentation.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (37)


Rating: 1 stars


35 minutes is not nearly enough bake time. This expensive pie was a runny mess. And the caramel does have somewhat of a bitter taste. A disappointing fail.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (38)


Rating: 3 stars


The chocolate portion of this pie was amazing. The salted caramel portion. . .ummm, not so much. I took the advise of previous posters and baked the pie for nearly 50 minutes. But I ended up scraping off the pecans and caramel sauce because the caramel was just too bitter and salty, even though I left out the lemon juice, only added the required 1/4 tsp. salt, and left off the sea salt on top. (Perhaps it's just because this was the first time I'd ever tried salted caramel and it wasn't to my liking.) But after adding new pecans and regular caramel I'd give this pie five stars; but with the caramel sauce, as written, I had to give a three-star rating. This pie is extremely rich, delicious, gorgeous, and worthy of a special occasion (with regular caramel sauce, of course). :)

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (39)


Rating: 4 stars


This pie was very good and easy to make. I had no problem with it setting, although it was not cut until the day after I made it, so making it a day ahead of time might be a good idea. I also let it cook about 42 minutes because at 35 it was still very jiggly. I made my own crust and it came out nicely. It was super rich and fudgy! To anyone that had trouble with the caramel not setting, it was undercooked. Notice that the recipe says to boil the sugar for 8 minutes AFTER it changes color, and even then cook it until it is a nice deep amber. When making caramel sauce, I like to cook the sugar until it starts to smell smoky, but not quite burned. Anyway, this wasn't my favorite pie, but it won a pie contest and people seemed to like it.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (40)


Rating: 5 stars


Delicious. Great presentation. I read previous reviews and cut the sugar back a little in the chocolate filling, used 1tsp lemon juice for the caramel sauce, & baked it closer to 45mins. I also didn't pour all of the sauce on top of the pie (personal preference). Recieved rave reviews & will make again and again.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (41)


Rating: 2 stars


When I saw this pie on your cover, I became so excited. I always bake five or six pies to take to my daughter's in-laws for Thanksgiving, I always make a fudge pecan, and a apple and several pecan pies. I am considered a really good cook by my family and friends. And I certainly have enough experience, as I have been cooking and baking since I was ten years old and I am now sixty-nine. Thank goodness I decided to give your pie a trial run. I decided to try it out on my fellow workers at our church's soup kitchen. Everything was beautiful, until I tasted the caramel (it was so bitter) there's no way I could serve it to anyone. I went over the directions, I couldn't figure what went wrong. Any ideas?

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (42)


Rating: 1 stars


I made this pie for a party I had this past weekend. Followed directions exactly and it was very pretty with the pecans arranged like the picture. I was excited to try it but was very disappointed The chocolate was too strong and the caramel too sweet. It was a mushy mess. I threw it away. One of my guests, who knows I'm a good cook, said she was going to make it for Thanksgiving but changed her mind after seeing it and tasting it. We were very surprised that this pie would be on the cover of Southern Living and turn out the way it did.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (43)


Rating: 5 stars


I can't say enough good things about this pie. I don't typically like pecan pies, but this one knocked my socks off. Everyone who had a slice raved about it and actually argued over who would get the last piece. Fortunately it's easy enough to make again and again.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (44)


Rating: 3 stars


First, let me say that I could not wait to make this pie! I had to wait for my mom in law to come stay with my little ones so that I could have the time to bake it. It looked beautiful and everyone was so excited to cut into it and get a taste. The bake time must have been a misprint. It says 35 minutes but I think it needs to take every bit of 45 minutes if not an hour more! After baking for 35 minutes, it was gooey and runny so I put it back in the oven to bake for another 20 minutes because it was such a runny mess. It is an expensive pie to bake to make that kind of mistake! I will do this pie again but I will definitely bake it longer. Trust your gut and take it out when it looks done. I just had my oven calibrated otherwise I would have thought our oven was going out.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (45)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this last Friday. I was not going to stop until I made this pie. First I took out the lemon juice . I baked mine a little longer. Not too much. I did let cool but I just couldn't wait. At first I was sad because it was runny. But I know some things just need a night in the fridge. OMG! It was way better the next day, and the next. The extra caramel sauce I pour over my salted caramel ice cream . This is so good. I was so excited it looked just like the cover of your magazine. I even made my own pie crust.. Woohoo.. Thank you SOUTHERN LIVING, KING ARTHUR FLOUR AND LAND O LAKES. Without you I couldn't make the wonderful things I make. Karen

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (46)


Rating: 4 stars


This pie was just okay - and I wanted it to taste spectacular. The presentation is perfection though. (no problem with the caramel sauce)

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (47)


Rating: 4 stars


I made this before reading the reviews. While testing the sauce I thought the lemon juice made it tart but it was an excellent complement to the sweetness of the pie. Stunning in appearance but very rich and very sweet. My pie set although I may not have cooked the caramel long enough as it could have been thicker. I went with the 8 min but stoves vary and will cook a tad longer next time. I am going to make for Christmas rather than Thanksgiving.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (48)


Rating: 3 stars


I baked the pie for 35 minutes at 350 and it was still jiggly, but the recipe said it would be 'loose' so I didn't bake it any more and thought it would set. An hour later I cut into it and it was runny, not set at all. Clearly I didn't leave it in long enough. I want to make this pie again, any tips on how to know it's done?

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (49)


Rating: 5 stars


I took the hints from 2 previous reviewers and cut sugar to 1 1/4 cups and omitted the lemon juice in the Carmel sauce. Pie was delishious.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (50)


Rating: 4 stars


I made this yesterday for my girls at school. I made the caramel sauce as written, but it tasted really bitter. I don't know if I cooked the sugar too long or if the addition of lemon juice (which I didn't understand) made it so. Thankfully, I did not put it on the baked pie. I made another caramel sauce and the pie was delicious. Very much like a fudgy brownie. I feel terrible posting this; I feel like such a traitor to Southern Living. However, I don't want anyone else to make the same mistake I did.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (51)


Rating: 3 stars


Lovely presentation - would be a grand finish to a dinner party. Very (almost too) rich! Would be really heavy after a big holiday meal. But, the caramel is a fun addition to the chocolate-pecan combo. Made this for a weeknight family dessert. Kids liked it, husband could only do a bite or two because of sweetness. But, will keep the recipe.

Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe (2024)


Is it okay to leave pecan pie out overnight? ›

How long can pecan pie be left at room temperature? You can leave a pecan pie out of the fridge for up to four hours—just be sure to refrigerate it after that.

Why is my pecan pie always runny? ›

A pecan pie is essentially a custard pie, and a liquid center is almost always the result of underbaking. The Karo Classic Pecan Pie recipe calls for baking the pie for 60 to 70 minutes at 350 degrees. In some ovens, however, the pie can take 75 minutes or more.

Why is my pecan pie so hard? ›

Why is my pecan pie hard? A hard pecan pie means it was cooked too long.

How do you keep pecan pie filling from seeping through the crust? ›

Brush the surface of the unbaked crust with a beaten egg or egg white mixed with water before adding the filling. As the pie bakes, the proteins in the egg will form a moisture barrier over the crust and provide a layer of protection.

Is a pecan pie good after a week in the fridge? ›

Homemade egg-rich pies such as pecan, pumpkin, lemon meringue and custard must be kept refrigerated after cooking and cooling. Cream and chiffon pies must be stored in the refrigerator. These pies can be kept three to four days.

Is pecan pie better at room temperature or cold? ›

The USDA recommends all pies rich in eggs and custard to be refrigerated after they've cooled. This includes pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, banana cream pie, and, yes, pecan pie.

Should you poke holes in pie crust for pecan pie? ›

And on that note…by pricking the crust all over with a fork, not only do you prevent it from puffing up into unsightly deformities, you also allow tiny holes for some of the filling to seep underneath which — hear me out! — transforms the crust into this buttery toffee-like deliciousness. Third, the toasted pecans.

What is the primary thickening agent in pecan pie? ›

Corn syrup sweetens pecan pie and gives it a smooth texture by preventing the crystallization of the sugar when baking. It also acts with the eggs to thicken. It can be replaced with maple syrup and flour.

Will pecan pie thicken as it cools? ›

Once you hit the sweet spot where it looks done, take your slightly jiggly pecan pie out of the oven and place it on a wire cooling rack. The filling continues to cook and will fully set as the pie cools, so giving a pie plenty of time at room temperature before serving is important.

What does overcooked pecan pie look like? ›

A pecan pie is likely overcooked or has been in the oven too long if the top turns black or the filling starts to crack. Overbaking your pie can make it sticky or crunchy, causing the filling to become tough, hard, and difficult to eat.

Can you over bake a pecan pie? ›

Cook pecan pie too much and it'll crack and be dry. Underbake it and it will be watery and runny. You want to cook pecan pie to an internal temperature of 200°F. Use a digital thermometer to make this easy.

How do you fix a runny pecan pie after baking? ›

If your pecan pie is runny, simply bake it a bit longer, even up to 20 minutes. When the pie has been thoroughly baked, you'll be able to give it a gentle shake, and the middle will appear firm — if you've ever baked a pumpkin pie, it's the same concept.

What is done on the bottom crust before adding the pie filling? ›

After dough has rested, crimp the edges of the dough, and prick the bottom and the sides of your pie shell at least 15 times. Line a piece of aluminum foil around your crust and fill with pie weights. Place your pie crust on the pre-heated sheet pan and bake for 20 minutes.

How do you fix a runny pie filling? ›

Cornstarch has thickening power similar to Instant ClearJel. Like flour, it lends a cloudy, semi-transparent look to filling. It can also give filling a starchy taste. For full effectiveness, make sure the pie filling is bubbling up through the crust before removing your pie from the oven.

Is it safe to eat pie left out overnight? ›

McDowell says that fruit and custard pies are best eaten within the first 24 hours after baking, but can be stored at room temperature for up to two days—any longer than that, and the crust will start to get soggy.

Does pecan pie taste better the next day? ›

Another VERY important step: after baking, you must allow the pie to cool to room temperature. Although it can be served warm, pecan pie is best when it's completely set. Very often, I'll make my pecan pie the night before Thanksgiving; by the next day, it's perfect.

How do you store homemade pie overnight? ›

Loosely cover: After baking and cooling your pie, loosely cover it with aluminum foil. Store: store for at room temperature for up to two days, or up to seven days in the fridge according to USDA guidelines. Bake: Bake pie 10 to 15 minutes in a 375°F oven before serving to help re-crisp the crust and warm up the fruit.

Can you leave pie filling in fridge overnight? ›

As with apple, if you're making your pumpkin (and other custard) pie ahead, it's best to keep filling and crust separate. Pumpkin pie filling can be made ahead; it'll keep, refrigerated, overnight. In fact, that's actually what we recommend doing; the custard develops incredible flavor and aroma as it sits.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.