[PATCH 14.8] Fuzzmonkey's LeBlanc Guide - Always win lane 100% (2024)

Updates to Guide

Updates to show you guys what I've added to the guide and when I did them:

18/04/2018 - LeBlanc got disabled on first day of 'mini-revert' (LUL). Added Galio, Yasuo, Akali and Azir to match ups. Corrected a few spelling/grammer mistakes.

19/04/2018 - Added Cassiopeia, Ekko and Fizz to match ups. Added Hextech Rocketbelt to the items chapter (as requested by you guys on stream).

22/04/2018 - Added Aurelion Sol, Morgana and Malzahar to match ups. Also added a little bit of the Kassadin match up too.

25/04/2018 - Added Everfrost under situational items as requested. Also added Zoe and Vladimir to match ups.

01/05/2018 - Added Lux, Anivia and Diana to match ups.

08/05/2018 - Updated Doran's Ring and Lost Chapter because of the 8.9 changes. Will be deciding soon on the the ultimate hat rune change since I've heard it's getting removed in 8.10. Will update closer to the time though.

31/05/2018 - Updated the Runes section. Replaced Relentless Hunter with Ultimate Hunter. Replaced The Ultimate Hat with Scorch. Also added Gathering Storm as an alternative rune.
Also added Brand, Talon, Irelia and Veigar to match ups.

03/06/2018 - Added Swain and Heimerdinger to match ups.

02/07/2018 - Added Annie and Vel'Koz to match ups.

08/07/2018 - Added Lissandra to match ups.

19/07/2018 - Added Orianna to match ups. ALSO HIT 1 MILLION TOTAL VIEWS ON THIS GUIDE. Thank you all so much for the support, this is incredible for me! Love you all <3

13/08/2018 - Added Karthus to match ups. Also put difficulty level up on Fizz (to 6) because of the instant damage revert on his W. This will make it a little harder for LeBlanc to dodge. Will require more reaction time.

30/08/2018 - Added Corrupting Potion to early game items section. Added more alternative runes due to patch 8.16 domination/sorcery rune nerfs, including a Time Warp Tonic and Biscuit Delivery break down. Also added in Minion Dematerializer as an alternative rune option.

10/10/18 - Going to start adding my Youtube highlights to the "Why Leblanc?" section of this guide, just to give you a little view of what I'm like on stream :)

13/10/2018 - Updated a few bits to do with runes, and adjusted some of the notes on the items at the top of the page.

7/11/2018 - Leblanc W got nerfed, yes you will still max it as always. Time warp tonic got nerfed but I don't think this will change much at all. Will be keeping an eye on it and see how it progresses. Incoming preseason, maybe a lot of upcoming changes to the guide. Also changed the Akali match up since her rework.

19/11/2018 - Changed stuff about the Morellonomicon purchase. Corrected a few more grammar mistakes. More changes to match ups, since I've now had plenty of experience against some of these champions. Added another little note about the Time Warp Tonic rune change in patch 8.22.

5/12/2018 - Updated rune pages (at the top), added 3 pages altogether with an explanation to all of them and why you should take each of them. 1 of them will suit your playstyle to the particular match-up your against. As per written under the Rune chapter, I will be adding all updates to the rune section at the top of this guide instead of in the rune chapter in the middle of the guide, since most people will see the top part first in the guide anyway. If you still have any questions about runes etc. please don't hesitate to contact me.

10/01/2019 - Updated the core build and added oblivion orb since a few people were getting confused. Probably going to do another big update to this guide in 9.2 since there was a rumour that oblivion orb was getting nerfed, plus a few harder champ match-ups (mostly aftershock midlaners) are getting nerfed too.

21/02/2019 - Changed and edited a couple of the matchup difficulties since aftershock and some of the adc item changes. Some of these updates include - Lissandra, Yasuo, Akali and more...

25/02/2019 - Changed the description on the runes. I mostly run Electrocute + Inspiration now (the first rune page on this guide) due to the sustain to gives. I heard a lot of people running +10% attack speed rune. The reason I don't like running this is because, you're already losing +15 ap from Doran's Ring so having a bit of AP can help in lane.

21/04/2019 - No changes to Leblanc's build since last update, nor runes.
Added a bunch of match-ups as requested from you guys. Match-ups include: Sylas, Neeko, Viktor, Ziggs, Xerath, Taliyah and Zilean. Let me know if you want anymore! :)

10/05/2019 - Updated a couple of the rune notes to suit Leblanc's current state. No change in what you should take though. Inspiration is still top preferred rune page.

19/05/2019 - Updated the 'About Me' section to be more relevant to the present time.

10/06/2019 - Added Aatrox to match-ups.

21/06/2019 - Added Qiyana to match-ups. If there is any other match-ups that you guys want me to add, let me know!

29/07/2019 - Added my Youtube channel to the guide too if anyone is interested in videos.

14/08/2019 - Changed Morellonomicon purchase description and added Oblivion Orb to the core items. Also Leblanc's Q got reverted back to 0.4 AP ratio! :)

18/12/2019 - Updated the Ryze match-up. Quite a threat now since his changes. Written a description in the 'threats' tab as to what you can kind of do to counter him.

04/03/2020 - Updated a bunch of match-ups to suit todays meta. Also updated Morellonomicon and Oblivion Orb in the "Items" section.

09/10/20 - Added Yone to the match ups with detailed description. Updated Oblivion Orb details on when to buy. PLEASE CHECK THIS. Will be doing a full updated for when the new items come out :)

11/10/2020 - Updated the whole of the ITEM CHAPTER (including descriptions as to why you should buy the items) and item set up at the top of the page since, we now have the new item update for Season 11. Changed the runes around a little bit at the top of the page.

17/03/2021 - Updated the majority of the rune chapter of this guide (deleted a lot of old stuff from Season 8). Certain items have been updated like Doran's Ring, Corrupting Potion, Morellonomicon, Cosmic Drive, Mejai's Soulstealer, Liandry's Torment, Luden's Tempest and a couple of other items. The will be around about 3-4 buffs for Leblanc next patch as well, so I will be updating this very soon to reflect them.

17/03/2021 - She got a W buff today! Lower mana for late game. Since she's had all her abilities lowered in mana this should make it easier for her to split and fight without losing so much. And indirect buffs too, including Rabadon's Deathcap cheaper buy, and Luden's Tempest gets a new passive. See above for details.

4/11/2021 - Added Vex and Akshan to match-ups.

18/11/2021 - Added Shadowflame to situational items and changed a bunch of the reason to "buy" certain items in the item section of this guide. This is due to some AP items getting buffed or nerfed.

23/11/2021 - Added Corki to match-ups... Sorry didn't realise he wasn't in there.

05/06/22 - Added more item paths, Leblanc is kinda out of meta at the moment, so she's struggling :(

02/09/2022 - We're somewhat back in the meta (I guess lol)... I've been getting a lot of questions regarding which one to build as 2nd item, Cosmic Drive or Shadowflame. I've added this all into the item descriptions now since it is situational, but very easy to identify. Go take a look! :D

09/02/2023 - Leblanc got buffed today! Buffs for high expertise Leblanc players. Throw more abilities in lane ;)

08/03/2023 - HUGE buffs for beginner Leblanc players. Check out the laning phase chapter of the guide for how to use her new and improved Sigil of Malice. New explantion for the ability, under the ability chapter of the guide.

Also added more infomation about how and when to build Cosmic Drive. This item was pretty good on Leblanc now it's actually VERY good.
TL:DR for this - Build Shadowflame 2nd against squishy teams with minimal MR. Build cosmic for teams that aren't so squishy, 2nd (if the enemy have no MR) or last (if the enemy have MR)

I've also added a paragraph for team fighting, which goes about how to use her new Q too. This can be both beneficial for teamfights and whenever you decide to split as LeBlanc.

10/01/2024 - Completely revamped the whole of the items section with new items and builds!

04/04/2024 - Changed runes according to the new ones that were implemeneted at the beginning of the season. Updated Stormsurge. Also added context as to when you should be building Morellonomicon since I see too many people building this. IT'S NOT THAT GOOD.

[PATCH 14.8] Fuzzmonkey's  LeBlanc Guide - Always win lane 100% (2024)


What is the win rate for LeBlanc build? ›

Build. LeBlanc roleName has a 49.2% win rate with 4.8% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 78 958 matches in patch patch the best build for LeBlanc is Luden's Companion, Sorcerer's Shoes, Stormsurge, Shadowflame, and Rabadon's Deathcap.

Is LeBlanc hard to learn? ›

LeBlanc is a demanding champion when it comes to managing her abilities. Although a little practice will help the player figure out the main combos, this section should helpful regardless to skip those parts. LeBlanc is a prime candidate for a solo lane due to her high burst damage and her need to level up quickly.

What is the best rune for LeBlanc? ›

Based on our analysis of 36 215 matches in Patch patch the best runes for LeBlanc roleName are Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Ghost Poro, and Ingenious Hunter for primary tree, as well as Nimbus Cloak and Celerity for secondary tree.

What Lane is LeBlanc? ›

Patch 14.8 Solo Queue LeBlanc is ranked as F Tier in the Mid Lane with a 47.78% Win Rate (Below Average) and 1.69% Pick Rate (Low).

Who is rank 1 LeBlanc? ›

How are players ranked?
1.Ba bin#999 VN (#1) Master13.9 3.3 7.3
2.Bé Mèo Designer#123 VN (#2) Master10.2 5.4 8.5
3.원딜판단미스벌레#KR1 KR (#3) Master5.6 4.2 11.4
4.waywode#1122 PH (#4) Master8.4 3.3 5.6
42 more rows

Is LeBlanc good or bad? ›

LeBlanc, also known as The Deceiver, is a villainous playable character in the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends.

What tier is LeBlanc? ›

LeBlanc Build, Runes & Counters for middle LeBlanc

LeBlanc middle has a 50.19% win rate in Emerald+ on Patch 14.8 coming in at rank 74 of 97 and graded C Tier on the LoL Tierlist. LeBlanc middle is a strong counter to Yone, Azir & Corki while LeBlanc is countered most by Naafiri, Kassadin & Akshan.

How old is LeBlanc? ›

Mordekaiser's reign, she is at least over 1100 years old.

Is LeBlanc still viable? ›

Despite the confusion surrounding Leblanc's attack speed changes, Zwag Xerath demonstrates that the build is still viable and effective.

Is LeBlanc good lol? ›

LeBlanc roleName has a 49.2% win rate and 4.8% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked B tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for LeBlanc roleName, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game.

Is LeBlanc better than Irelia mid? ›

Ireliavs LeBlanc Mid

Based on the analysis of 913 matches in eloName in Patch patch, Irelia has a 49.4% win rate against LeBlanc in the Mid, which is 0.1% lower than expected win rate of Irelia. This means that Irelia is more likely to lose the game against LeBlanc than on average.

Is LeBlanc a good champion to play? ›

LeBlanc roleName has a 49.2% win rate and 4.8% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked B tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for LeBlanc roleName, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game.

Is LeBlanc a scaling champ? ›

LeBlanc is also known as an Assassin due to her high AP scaling and incredible single target damage. Common called burst damage. Many players are drawn to LeBlanc because she can destroy a single enemy in an insane way when build as a Full AP carry.

Who does LeBlanc counter? ›

Based on our analysis of 78 844 matches, the best counters for LeBlanc roleName are Naafiri, Akshan, Kassadin, Vex and Galio. On the other hand, LeBlanc roleName counters Karma, Vel'Koz, Azir, Orianna and Yone.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.